Friday, June 29, 2012

Places to Start

How timely is this, as I sit and try to figure out where to start merging my virtual PLN into actual changes in my in-building professional relationships.  I will definitely send this around just before everyone comes back in August.

25 Ways Teachers Can Connect More with Their Colleagues

Though this doesn't feel like 25 entire, different things, it's more like a list of 25 ways in to the professional collaboration game, but it links to other articles that describe just how to do each of these things.

I feel like I spend so much of my day sitting around waiting to be needed by someone for more than just checking out a book or collecting a fine payment, but besides blasting my staff with emails about how I am happy to book them some library time, I don't quite know where to begin. I am starting to believe I have a wealth of resources and ideas to share, and this list gives me some ideas on where to start finding outlets.

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