Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday -- Top Ten Pacific NW Vacation Spots I've Been Fantasizing About Since June

My summer vacation finally, FINALLY started this week after seven weeks of summer school and a week of AVID training in San Diego. That gives me a week to get the house and yard in shape after eight weeks of neglect and about ten days to get out of town until I have to be back at work. These are the places I've been dreaming of going.

I feel like the pictures are pretty self-explanatory.

1. Crater Lake National Park
2. Yellowstone National Park
3. Glacier National Park
4. The Oregon Coast
5. The Sierra Nevada
6. Coeur d'Alane
7. The California Redwoods
8. Multnomah Falls and the Columbia River Gorge
9. Vancouver Island
10. Washington's Olympic Peninsula

Readers, where have you been itching to go this summer?

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